Emma’s Poems from School

I Remember

I remember hiking at the Narrows and exploring

I remember the first time I went to the Del Mar Fair

I remember sledding in Wisconsin

I remember hiding in the basement during a tornado

I remember being amazed seeing a car flipped upside down

I remember staring at the two headed corn snake at the San Diego Zoo

I remember a game my brother and I used to play

I remember my grandparent’s clock that scared me

I remember the first time I was in Bubby and Zaida’s basement

I remember when my mom came home with a new T.V.

I remember when I played with an old typewriter even though my parents said no

I remember staying in a hotel with my grandparents

I remember getting a weaving set from my grandparents that changed my life

I remember the fun I had during a girl scout camping trip in Julian when it snowed

I remember when I got a barbie house for Christmas

I remember when I climbed on a Sea World jungle gym

I remember when I taught a kid to write the letters A to S

I remember when I saw my baby photos

I remember when I found out that pencil toppers were sold at Round Table

Things I Wanted To Do

I wanted to get my own room

I wanted to grow out my hair to donate to a charity

I wanted to see my grandparent’s house one last time

I wanted to come up with an idea and write for T.V. show I like

I wanted to meet characters from my favorite books

I wanted to become less stubborn

I wanted to play in the snow

I wanted to ride a wagon down a hill

I wanted to have a tree house in my backyard

I wanted to ride in a canoe

I wanted to jump off a high dive

I wanted to not be negative all the time

I wanted to return to Sea World

I wanted to jump in a leaf pile

I wanted to get in a snowball fight

I wanted to play Minecraft all day

I wanted to sleep in

I wanted to go on a mother daughter camping trip

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Filed under Humanities Writing, Uncategorized

One response to “Emma’s Poems from School

  1. Bubba and Zaida

    Your poems about things you remember and things you wanted to do are both wonderful. We loved reading them.

    Love from Us

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